The company was founded in 1961. The company's activities are testing of devices, appliances, plants and power systems, as well as testing electrical insulation materials.
Cooperation with potential partners may be based on a outsourcing agreement or subcontract, on the basis of which the company can offer type tests of high voltage equipment, type tests of low voltage equipment, diagnostic tests in the field,overhaul of energy equipment,testing of insulating oils and electrical materials.
The company is founded in Sarajevo, and today the company is located in Sarajevo-Romania region, City of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main area of operation of the company are type tests of high voltage and low voltage equipment, diagnostic tests in the field, overhaul of electrical equipment and testing of insulating oils and electrical materials.
Since its establishment, the company has participated in many projects with suppliers outside Bosnia and Herzegovina. As an example, we can cite the project from October 2020 regarding the testing of low voltage switchgear, which was realized in Budva, Montenegro. Most of the realized projects in the business so far were primarily related to the provision of services, including joint projects with partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) and with suppliers and partners outside the territory of BiH.
By cooperating with new international partners through subcontractiong or outsourcing agreement, the company wants to expand its activities, ie, thanks to experience and references, to ensure the implementation of new projects abroad.
The staff from the company has many years of experience in laboratory testing of high-voltage and low-voltage equipment, and in the testing of electrical insulation materials, especially in the testing of mineral insulation oil from transformers and other electrical equipment.
The company has laboratories that consist of four organizational units:
- High voltage laboratory,
- Low voltage laboratory,
- Laboratory of electrical materials,
- Organizational unit for field tests.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking for partners from the field of industry and research organizations. Partners from the industrial sector with projects for the realization of which they need the services and expertise of the company would be desirable for cooperation.
Through an outsourcing agreement, the potential partner is expected to form a contract that would define the examinations and services for the client, the way of doing business, and the time of engagement.
Under a subcontracting agreement, the potential partner is expected to assign part of its contractual obligations to the client, ie the potential partner is expected to perform a contract for the performance of testing activities that the potential partners cannot perform.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought:
The company is looking for partners from the field of industry and research organizations. From future partners, the company expects seriousness in business, ambition and timeliness.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
External code: