A UK company has developed an app that provides surgical and anaesthetic teams with clinical information derived from remote initial consultation, pre-operative assessment and uplifted by digital technology, to create a complete perioperative digital pathway and discharge. The app is part of a broader secure virtual clinic to speed up outpatient care in the wake of COVID-19. They are seeking hospitals to integrate the system via commercial agreement with technical assistance.
All hospitals have huge backlogs of patients awaiting planned elective surgery. During this hiatus when COVID cases diminish and hospitals plan to return to a ‘new normal', a UK company has developed an app that helps remote co-morbidity assessment of waiting lists, helping staff and hospitals plan their return to surgery.
With staff concerned about safety or perhaps self-isolating, the app helps this workforce continue to remotely care for their patients, allowing for new and different models of working.
Initially administrative staff register hospital patients, who supply comprehensive health information about themselves via the app, as well as watching key information videos about procedure and consent, so they are fully prepared (remotely). From this information nursing staff are then able to triage the patient as ‘good to go', schedule telephone appointment or ‘face to face' (via the secure virtual clinic, the subject of another profile on EEN).
Key features include
· Video consultation
· Smart HQ
· Surgical and anaesthetic education videos for patients
· Procedure consent videos
· Outcomes collection
· Virtual clinic
· Live file sharing
· Resource information library
· Rapid assessment of entire waiting lists
The company is seeking hospitals or clinics with backlogs of operations and procedures seeking to expedite their processes in a safe and secure way, by having the app adapted to their needs via commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Type: Hospital/Clinics
Role: Outpatient and inpatient care
Specific role of partner sought: integration of digital pre-assessment app into their hospital patient systems via commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Trade Marks
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
Software so not patented
External code: