A UK company has developed a secure virtual clinic that provides a secure patient-practitioner-patient consultation via video or audio call whilst allowing secure 2-way file uploading, information sharing and complete follow-up to ensure medical continuity and comprehensive patient care. They are seeking hospitals or clinics looking for a secure system to speed up consultations to clear backlogs due to COVID-19, via commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Following the COVID-19 pandemic many routine outpatient appointments have been cancelled. Globally hospitals have increased the use of virtual clinics to provide patient care while healthcare systems recover.
Current ‘virtual solutions' are derived from primary care models; they do not allow information to either be sent from or received by the patient from one secure area - and form only the most basic of communication formats.
A UK company has developed an innovative new virtual clinic that transforms communication between patient and practitioner.: Audio/video calls and file transfers of written, photographic and video materials inform the consultation, build patient knowledge and enhance patient care.
Key features include:
· Secure environment
· Video or audio consultation
· Live file sharing between patient and hospital and hospital and patient
· Resource information library
· Surgical video library
· Physiotherapy video library
· Comprehensive patient journey
They are seeking to adapt and instal their system for hospitals and clinics worldwide that are wanting to reduce the backlog of appointments that are growing due to the pandemic, via commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Type: Hospital or clinic
Activity: Outpatient and inpatient care
Specific role of partner sought: Integration of the virtual clinic app and software into the hospital's patient care system to improve procedures and speed up consultations.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
The product is already on the market and established in six UK hospitals with 30,000 patients registered in the last year. It is CE marked and has been registered with MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency in the UK).
IPR Status:
Trade Marks
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
Software so not patented.
External code: