A Danish biotechnology SME offers in-depth analysis of gene expression data. Currently beta testing, the company seeks new collaboration partners from Europe and North America in terms of companies or organisations within the field of biotechnology or biomedicine that provide data on either gene or protein expressions, under commercial agreements with technical assistance or research agreements.
This Danish SME was founded in 2018 based on a PhD degree in biomedical engineering by the CEO, who had discovered a need for thorough and affordable data analysis in the medical sector.
The omics technologies are advancing rapidly and dominating discovery-based studies for biomarkers. These methods can deliver above 10.000 readings per sample, thus generating a large amount of data, which can be overwhelming for the researcher if not a data-specialist. The company's vision is to make data easy to manage and interpret, providing a deeper and more clear understanding of the data. In short, to make advanced data analysis accessible for all sizes of enterprises and researchers, fueling and focusing the search for new biomarkers for diseases and better treatments.
Based on the client data upload, the pre-process will filter, transform, normalise and distribute the assessment. This leads to unique identification based on parameter estimation and filtration. Estimation and visualisation of the variance will be carried out leading to a statistical test including P-value correction and box-plot visualisation. The company has engaged in international collaboration e.g. in the Swedish pharma industry and is furthermore partner in a Horizon 2020 project.
The company is now looking for a partnering company or organisation like a research institution or university within the field of biotechnology or biomedicine that provides data on either gene or protein expressions of human or animal models that need to be analysed. This cooperation is foreseen under a commercial agreement with technical assistance. Alternatively, companies or organisations intending to apply for funds for an ongoing project using the data could benefit for a joint application under a research agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking for a partnering company, research organisation or university within the field of biotechnology or biomedicine, with a need to analyse data from gene or protein expressions, of either animal or human nature.
The company has started the final beta testing prior to launch and therefore feedback for product optimisation is a necessity.
Publication of the project would be highly appreciated.
Stage of Development:
Field tested/evaluated
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
The product is on the market as a beta release. The purpose of this agreement is to further test and optimise the analyses for a full release in the near future. In addition, to obtain a number of references in various EU countries to better commercialise at the final launch.
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how
External code: