Digital tools exactly meeting the needs of marine service providers

SME from Northern Germany develops a digital logbook app that proactively digitizes processes in commercial shipping. Special features are integrated that exactly meet the needs to create reports, surveys and documentation. Cooperation in the form of commercial agreements with technical assistance is offered to marine service providers that want to become more competitive by increasing the time and cost efficiency of their services.
Digitalization and the use of data has an increasing impact on commercial shipping and the maritime industries. But while the machinery on board is very well equipped with sensors and transmitting relevant data since years, logbooks and obligatory reports are often still written with word or excel sheets or even by hand on printed templates. With development of a digital logbook for shipping as a smartphone app, a Northern German SME supports the overall management of a ship through its on-shore management, on-board crew support and through the integration of digital tools, maritime actors and their services. The app especially meets the needs of maritime service providers as the intention is to remove unnecessary work but to value the knowledge and experience of current maritime stakeholders. Special features have been designed to create IHM (Inventory of Hazardous Materials) reports and maintenance updates, MRV reports (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification) and any other kind of documentation or survey on board, e.g. on materials or cargo. All data are available in app and cloud, thus data can easily be transferred. Providers of maritime services benefit from cooperation, as the digital tool increases time and cost efficiency significantly – they become more competitive and can offer added value to their clients. Cooperation in form of commercial agreements with technical assistance are offered. The app is already on the market, successfully tested, and ready for use. The company is continuously working on development of additional features - negotiations about specific needs are welcome.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Cooperation is offered to providers of marine services that want to increase costs and efficiency by using the app to create - MRV reports - IHM surveys - cargo documentation - materials documentation - any other type of survey, report or documentation necessary on board of vessels
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
Secret Know-how
External code: 