Spanish IT SME with experience in analytics, system interoperability, health information systems and innovation in e-health is looking to form partnerships with industry and/or academia under research cooperation agreements to apply for Horizon Europe calls in the health work programme 2021-22.
The Spanish IT company has more than 20 years of experience and a team of more than 200 people with extensive experience in designing innovative technological projects and a commitment to develop tailor-made solutions, especially in the field of e-health. Since its foundation, the company has been committed to technological innovation and the quality of their solutions.
The services provided by the company cover the whole software life cycle as well as services of strategic consulting in specific technologies:
• Consulting and strategic planning: Analysis of client’s needs and evaluation of alternatives for its fulfilment. The solution is adapted to those needs and implements the most relevant competitive advantages for the client.
• Design and development of Corporate Information Systems: Solutions for development, implementation, and maintenance of information systems, paying special attention to technical documentation and the use of version control tools during the life cycle of the software developed.
• Interoperability and system integration: The company develops software integration services between different information systems. These activities allow working internally and externally together, sharing a semantic context and having common models, vocabularies, ontologies, and structures.
• Identification and traceability: Development of traceability solutions to minimize errors and optimizing the management of supply chains or other business processes.
• Business Intelligence and Analytics: Developing of decision-support solutions based on real world, real time data to allow their clients to take correct decisions fast. They help converting data into insights, providing a competitive advantage to their clients.
Thanks to their commitment to innovation, they are currently participating in several high-profile e-health Horizon 2020 consortiums and pre-commercial procurement programs, both at national and European level.
The company would like to enlarge their partner networks by incorporating new R&D institutions, either public or private, academia and other companies interested in developing innovative and interesting solutions to the problems raised by the different calls in the health work programme of Horizon Europe for 2021 and 2022 (HORIZON-HLTH-2022). They are open to participate in existing consortiums, or in forming one from scratch with different institutions to develop successful proposals to Horizon Europe calls.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is currently looking for any partner interested in collaborating with them to develop a successful proposal for any of the calls under HORIZON-HLTH-2022. This partner can be a R&D organization (either public or private), academia, or companies. The company is open to participate in existing consortiums or to form one from scratch under a research cooperation agreement.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
External code: