A German research institute has developed a force measuring device which enables the measurement of tensile and compressive forces without changes of the measurement setup. Due to the offered redirection device changeover times are eliminated. Hereby new and faster calibrations are possible for the entire tensile and compressive force measuring range with zero passage. Additional advantage is that only one climate chamber is needed. The research institute is looking for licensees.
A German research institute active in metrology has developed a force measuring device for tensile and compressive forces. By eliminating the changeover times between the measurement of compressive or tensile forces of the system, novel and thus faster calibrations are also possible for the entire tensile pressure force measuring range with zero crossing. Another advantage, e.g. within high-precision measuring, is that only a common climate chamber for tensile and compression measurements is needed.
The redirection device is constructed with three movable beams so that in the force measuring device within the structure can be loaded by tensile and compressive forces. In a further embodiment, it is also possible to realise a force redirection via a bearing. In this case, the pressure force is first generated in the pressure installation space on the load body. A tensile force generation is then achieved by a force redirection via a corresponding bearing.
Economic Significance: Based on the new redirection device, innovative force measuring devices can also be used for applications with zero passage and offer new application-oriented calibration options for calibration laboratories in research and industry as well as in other metrology institutes.
The research institute is looking for licensees to foster the international commercial exploitation of the innovation.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Targeted partners are active in the development and production of force measuring systems. The institute is looking for licensees.
Stage of Development:
Available for demonstration
IPR Status:
Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
Patent applied in Germany
External code: