A French biotech company has a proprietary technology allowing the potentiation of exogenous therapeutic proteins (enzymes or antibodies). The goal is to develop new engineered antibodies together with European companies allowing a higher capacity to degrade pathogenic antigens. This technology concerns many immunotherapies in inflammatory and immune diseases, cancers or rare diseases.The company would like to achieve technical cooperation, research or license agreement.
A French biotech company located in Montpellier has patented vectors allowing a smooth engineering of therapeutic antibodies thus leading to an improvement of their biological properties. The technology improves the degradation of the antigen and increases the efficacy of the antibody. The higher efficacy can allow the decreasing of side effects for the patient and reduce the doses of the therapeutic treatment. Moreover, this new class of engineered antibodies can be patented for therapeutic use.
The company has a deep knowledge in:
- Synthesis of glycovectors and protein engineering,
- Preclinical proof-of-concept in cell cultures and murine models,
- Patent delivery and medical drug designation.
Capacity of production :
- vectors > 10 kg under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards
Thanks to its home skills and equipment and to the surrounding scientific platforms, the company benefits of all the facilities to perform biological, biochemical, analytical and chemical experiments. The company searches a partner who already produces a therapeutic antibody whose mechanism of action concerns the degradation of the antigen. The grafting of the vectors on antibodies will increase their therapeutic efficacy and will generate Intellectual Property.
This concept could be applied to immunotherapies in the area of oncology, inflammatory or auto-immune diseases or rare diseases. The company wishes to establish suitable and long-term business partnerships through technical cooperation agreement, research or license agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company looks for partners already introduced in the immunotherapy market who seek to develop new antibodies under GMP standards or antibodies existing in the clinic and want to increase their therapeutic performances. The partner will propose an antibody for engineering with the proprietary vectors for a better efficacy and a higher antigen degradation. The characterization and the preclinical development of the engineered antibody will be performed by the two partners.
Different types of partnerships can be considered such as EU grant application (meaning that partners could go for a European collaborative project), technical cooperation, research or license agreements.
Stage of Development:
Project in negotiations - urgent
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
Production of vectors at Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards
Application of our technology to antibodies in progress
IPR Status:
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
Exclusive licenses of patented vectors for targeting of glycoproteins (enzymes, antibodies)
Patents delivered EU, USA, Japan, Canada.
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