German company specialized in compressed air technology products is looking for distributors and commercial agents

German company specialized in all areas of compressed air technology products is looking for sales agents and distribution partners in the European Union. Their products are used mainly in mechanical engineering, medical technology, hospitals, food and beverage industry, refineries, chemistry and pharmacy.
The German company is a specialist for all areas of compressed air technology. Their program includes all types of compressors like piston compressors, rotary compressors, gas-, screw compressors, as well as scroll- and diaphragm compressors. The company supplies every variant of rotary compressors, hydrovane compressors and membrane dryers. The market position in Germany is well established. Experience in the international market already exists. International cooperations are to be expanded. The activities / technologies include: - compressed air tanks - compressed air treatment by dryer - cold regenerated adsorption dryer - warm regenerated adsorption dryer - any kind of filters, sterile filters for contamination-free compressed air - adsorption dryer for medical compressed air purification according “Pharmacopee Europeenne” - adsorption dryer for industrial breathing air purification The products are used in various sectors: Mechanical engineering, medical technology, hospitals, food and beverage industry, refineries, chemistry and pharmacy. The company is looking for business agreements on the basis of a distribution services or a commercial agency agreement. Potential partners should be familiar with the field of air pressure technology and be interested in a long-term business relationship.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company is looking for a long term partnering opportunity. Potential partners are being sought in industry, crafts and medical facilities. Ideally, suitable partners have a strong local presence with large existing network in the respective branches. The cooperation envisaged is based on a commercial agency agreement or distribution services agreement. When working together, it is important that the trade intermediarie stands behind the product and works in a customer and service-oriented manner.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
External code: 