A Germany based company offers the production of individual videos for technical topics, such as IT, software and technical equipment for company's products and for educational institutions. The educational videos facilitate technical support and deliver a quick and easy explanation for the target group. Partners from Austria, Switzerland and Belgium are sought for commercial agency agreements.
A German company specialised in the production of explanatory videos on IT and software is producing videos and video courses on project management, science and digitalization. Each course is accompanied by a corresponding workshop for companies and universities, in which, for example, students learn how to produce explanatory videos at low cost or how to innovate their own business model.
The videos are used for the following purposes:
- Videos to illustrate documentation, system descriptions, software operation and support, commissioning and operation of systems
- Marketing videos for the distribution of software, technical equipment and company presentation (websites, social media, such as YouTube)
- Explanation of a technical topic for training purposes
The owner has many years of experience with distant learning teaching and is able to assess the necessity of using digital learning media.
There is a variety of approaches to elaborate educational videos, which are possible to apply. There is a broad expertise and skilled experts available. Each educational video will be individually produced and adopted to the need of the partner.
It has been shown that digitisation in Switzerland and Austria has progressed much further than in Germany. Thus, the interest of educational institutions in these countries is also higher.
The company is interested in commercial agency agreement. This can be done in both directions: On the one hand, in offering videos and video courses that can be used in class or for training in companies. The company has a licensing system for this purpose, where an annual fee is charged per participant. On the other hand, the company would also like to integrate external learning media into their courses and workshops, so that a fee is paid proportionally with each sale.
Furthermore, the company seeks to expand the scope of their offers. Therefore, the joint creation of video courses on special topics is envisaged. Since the company retains the rights to sell the videos, the partners are able to order custom productions cost-efficiently.
The profit for both sides lies in an improved learning offer for digital learning media and also in the additional distribution by the partner.
The international cooperation would be coordinated primarily through online meetings.
The company seeks reliable cooperation partners for commercial agency agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company seeks reliable langterm partners in Austria, Switzerland and Belgium.
The partner for a commercial agency agreement should be able to promote the service of the German company locally and find users from relevant sectors. The partner should already have a resilient network in this respect.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
External code: