A German interdisciplinary communications agency specialised in public relations, content marketing and conference management, with expertise in various technical topics, offers their services under a subcontracting or outsourcing

A German agency for communications, public relation, content marketing and conference management is specialized in marketing and presentation of technical content in various application fields. They offer their expertise to all organizations looking for professional PR services and content marketing. Moreover, they seek EU project consortia that are looking for a professional dissemination partner for the work package dissemination. Subcontracting or outsourcing agreements can be concluded.
The company is an owner-managed, interdisciplinary communications agency for public relations, content marketing and conference management based in Wiesbaden, Germany. The agency was launched in 2004 and serves SMEs, associations and institutions, as well as globally operating groups. They provide the entire range of communication services, from website to concept and realization of information brochures, press releases, content marketing on social media formats etc. Furthermore, the communications agency is also developing concepts for and organizing topic related events and conferences, with presentations and moderations in English and French. Based on a core expertise in various application areas and markets of smart and technical textiles like protective and active sports, medical, construction, living, automotive, aviation, energy and others, through the years the customer portfolio had been extended to even more technological fields and industries. The agency observes the recent change in communications as a result of the increasing digitization and accordingly enhances and updates their services portfolio. The company wants to extend its international network through offering its services via a subcontracting or outsourcing agreements to organizations that are seeking localized public relations support, content marketing or conference management. Moreover, the company expects to develop collaborations with organizations preferably from the medical or healthcare sector or with public institutions. The company is looking for partners who seek expertise in storytelling, developing landing pages, newsletters, preparing presentations for conferences or events and continuous reporting on project results on the appropriate news channels. Furthermore, the company is looking for EU project consortia that seek a professional dissemination partner, covering the work package dissemination by applying all professional tools. Potential partners may be organisations, institutions or companies covering topics related to digital transformation, innovation, medicine, medical technology, healthcare, architecture, composites, technical and smart textiles, societal changes, intercultural education issues, including migration and integration, seeking expertise and skills in communication, developing business models or specific market analysis and benchmark.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The German technological public relations agency seeks for companies, organisations and institutions that are looking for a professional partner for public relations support, content marketing or conference management for various technical topics. Furthermore, requested partners are consortia that are looking for a professional dissemination partner. These partners (organisations, institutions or companies) may apply for EU-projects related to digital transformation, innovation, medical, architecture, composites, technical and smart textiles, societal changes, intercultural education issues and look for a partner for the work package dissemination.
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