A German media, video and film production company with focus on commercial films for companies, fairs, products, promotion and 3-D-visualization is looking for commercial agency agreements. The company offers various services in the fields of live music recording, transmission and film. Moreover, they operate their own recording studio. All services are coordinated with the customer on which basis an individual service program is designed.
The German media, video and film production enterprise is specialized in the full service production for commercial clients.
The company has profound knowledge in film and television productions in the industrial and event area. It offers customized planning and extensive experience in video transfers for conferences and meetings, major events, gala events,
concerts, product presentations and exhibition documentaries.
It produces commercial and corporate films such as footage of your business, aerials, construction documentation and 3-D animation.
The target group of the company are companies and large corporations that need support in the field of film production. Examples may be professional concert recordings, broadcasts of events or films for industry and craft.
The company is looking for commercial agency agreement partners to support and promote sales as well as provide improved and more economic services for the international market.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
A partner should be proficient in the commercial film sector and dispose of excellent knowledge of their regional and national markets. On this basis the prospective partner should be able to represent the agency's services and products and to act as commercial agency agreement partners.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
External code: