German research group offers in-vitro tests for the detection of organotoxicity for joint research projects

A research and development (R&D) group from the north-east of Germany offers cell based in-vitro test systems for the pharmaceutical and chemical industry. In vitro-test systems are established for the investigation of hepatotoxicity, neurotoxicity and leucocyte immuno-paralysis. The research group is mainly looking for partners for joint research and innovation projects and for technical cooperation.
Organ damage caused by medication is the most common reason for withdrawing drugs that have already been approved for the market. At the present, there is no reliable test system available to detect organ failure at an early stage. Organ failure is associated with a high mortality and can be caused by acute diseases or medication. This gave rise to the development of a micro-titer plate assay based on human cell-based biosensors that can be used to detect organ failure at an early stage in a clinical setting and to evaluate the toxicity of drugs and medical devices. By optimizing and standardizing the procedure, reliable statements can be made with regard to exogenous and endogenous toxicity. The research group from north-east of Germany has successfully developed in vitro-tests for early detection of organ failure and for assessing a prognosis for critically ill patients regarding diseases of the liver, the nervous system and the immune system. The in-vitro test systems are implemented to replace, reduce and refine (3R principle) animal trials. The assays are also useable for the pharmaceutical (toxicology, drug development, efficacy testing, bioactivity assays, quality control) and chemical industry (toxicity testing) as well as for basic research. In-vitro test systems are established for the investigation of hepatotoxicity, neurotoxicity and leukocyte immuno-paralysis. All tests are performed according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005-08 to ensure a high accuracy of results. The research group is highly interested in joint research and innovation projects. Companies and research institutions that intend to cooperate within Horizon 2020 or other EU funding programmes are welcome in order to further develop and apply the test systems and to look for additional fields of application. Partners would be able to analyze their products with regard to hepatotoxicity, neurotoxicity and leukocyt immuno-paralysis. In addition, a solely technical cooperation with the focus on using the existing protocols is also a possibility.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
A partnership in the frame of a research project is envisaged . A technical cooperation with research institutions is also feasible. EU programmes such as Horizon Europe, JPI, ERA-nets, EUREKA or other (bi-lateral) programmes are a possibility for funding.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
Comments Regarding Stage of Development: 
The in-vitro test systems are completely implemented in the lab routines. All tests are performed according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005-08 guidelines to ensure a high accuracy of results.
IPR Status: 
Patents granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status: 
Patented use of human hepatocytes for determining liver function and liver regeneration
External code: 