A German SME active as an expert for building protection and building renovation, who is registered in Germany as publicly appointed and sworn expert, is searching for international project partners. The company offers the assessment of construction damages and defect as well as the proper repair of those as a service. The SME is accredited for projects all over Europe. Targeted type of cooperation are outsourcing agreements.
The Germany SME is well experienced in the assessment of construction damages. Main services are the determination of cause of the damage, the determination of consequences of the damage, tests of the used material, the preparation of concepts for the repair and the determination of the cost of the damage. As in Germany accredited publicly appointed and sworn expert (ö. b. u. v. Sachverständiger für Bautenschutz u. Bausanierung (the German company is able to offer its service for public and non-public construction and construction repair projects throughout Europe).
The German company offers its service to companies and organisations active as real estate rental companies and operators of infrastructure facilities the determination of the cause of damages and the development of sanitation concept. The company offers construction companies the development of sanitation concept as well as support to approve the quality of the work in the frame of outsourcing agreements.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The German SME is searching for partners who need assistance in the determination of causes of the construction damages, the determination of consequences of the damage, tests of the used material, the preparation of concepts for the repair. Targeted type of coopertion are outsourcing agreements.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
External code: