The company from Germany, with a focus on inorganic-non-metallic materials, has a specialized interest in technical ceramic products. The institution offers its production and knowledge capabilities for product and process, as well as research and experimental development in the field of spray granules. Therefore, the SME is looking for partners for a manufacturing agreement and/or a services agreement.
The German company, established in 2000 as an institute for applied ceramics research, has today 25 employees. The company looks back on a long history tightly connected with a long lasting cultural tradition of porcelain production. The forerunner of the institution has a tradition until the 1960s.
The client will benefit from both the unique knowledge accumulated during 40 years of research, and from unique testing facilities. Testing, analysing and experimental development of inorganic-non-metallic materials such as ceramics is a complex and expensive process and requires a special expertise. The SME is able to use:
- Pilot plant with more than 47 devices;
- Laboratory equipment with more than 48 installations;
- Seven mobile devices.
The company employs only qualified specialists with scientific backgrounds. The work is free from third-party interests. This independency implies quick and efficient research and strictly confidential results. Currently, the company has more than 66 successful partnerships with partially global known brands.
Within a manufacturing agreement, potential partners can expect up to 200 t of produced spray granules. The timeline of product production will be a part of the agreement negotiation.
A services agreement will enable potential partners to outsource the demand of problem solving to a well-experienced partner with R&D infrastructure. In general, the existing infrastructure (pilot plant) enables to simulate a production flow on a smaller scale.
The company has a generation change in the staff position and the new responsible person is interested in new ways of cooperation generation. For a higher load factor the German company is willing to manufacture products for new clients. The new unit´s strategy fosters the focus on R&D service activities as well.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Type: SME, MNE;
Activity: Manufacturer of ceramic products;
Role: Definition of research and manufacturing demand and joint evaluation of the envisaged partnership;
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how
External code: