A German SME is searching for subcontractors from Poland and Romania for bricklaying and concrete works

A German construction company is searching partners for the construction of chicken and pig stables in Germany and Eastern Europe. The German SME is searching for construction companies from Poland and Romania specialized in bricklaying and concrete works interested to work as subcontractor during the erection of stables in various German locations.
A German SME active in the construction sector for several generations is searching for partners from Poland and Romania for the erection of several pig and chicken stables in Germany and for additional projects in Eastern Europe. Targeted partners are construction companies experienced in bricklaying and concrete works if possible with experience in the erection of stables. The German company has contact persons who speak Polish and Romanian. The partnership will help the German Company to increase their market share and will offer foreign partners the opportunity to increase their turnover.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The German SME is searching for construction companies active in concrete works and bricklaying who are interested to work on German and maybe later Eastern European construction sites for the construction of pig and chicken stables and want to increase their turnover with international cooperations. Targeted type of cooperation are subcontracting agreements.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought: 
The German company seeks partners experienced in concrete works and bricklaying if possible also in the construction of stables.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
External code: 