German startup offers a software that enables car owners to digitise their vehicle data, store it in a data vault and earn income - franchise agency agreements are sought

The German startup created the world's first cloud-based software solution for the end consumer, where vehicle owners can digitise, self-administer and analyse data from and around their vehicles, as well as trip data and driving behaviour, all securely stored in a personal data vault at 100% GDPR compliance. On the marketplace, owners can also earn money by granting companies access to their data. Franchise agency, commercial agency and financial agreements are sought.
Everything in this cloud-solution and its integrated marketplace revolves around the data treasure of cars, motorcycles and their owners and how consumers and automotive related companies alike can quickly and easily profit from it. The marketplace consists of companies like vehicle insurers, dealerships, garages, breakdown services, tire services, market researchers and analysts, smart cities and many others whose target groups are vehicle owners. Marketplace partners may access released data 24/7 and explore customer preferences to identify new business opportunities at a data access fee while responding to hot leads from vehicle owners, requesting offers for different products and services. The company was founded in 2019 by an automotive/software specialist with comprehensive international experience gained in some of the most renown software- and automotive companies. The company’s vision is to become the largest data treasury and Big Data environment for the automotive ecosystem globally with a global market size of 1.2 billion vehicles. The system has been released and deployed in October 2020. As of now, it is active in Germany and the UK with a couple of thousand users and great response from the German media. The goal for 2021 is to open and explore all major European countries, as well as the US, Canada and Australia with a total of at least 1.9 million vehicles and 2.000 marketplace partners across 16 countries. In order to achieve this goal rapidly, the company plans to work with franchisees and co-operation partners in the listed target countries. The German startup seeks partnerships in the form of franchise agency agreement, commercial agency agreements and financial agreements.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The German startup prefers renown trusted companies, independent organisations or institutions with good connections to the automotive ecosystem, particularly to vehicle owners, but also good relationships with car insurances, breakdown services, garages, dealerships and market researchers.This could be e.g. automotive clubs, automotive media companies, automotive universities or automotive data researchers. Responsibility of the franchisees will be to acquire new vehicle owners and marketplace partners in their exclusive country under the company's brand name. The potential franchisee will mainly be responsible for developing market specific adjustments, performing a jointly developed marketing strategy and growing revenue and profits. Obligations of the franchisor will be the provision of intellectual property and know-how and other related services including software hosting, maintenance and enhancements requested by the franchisees, as well as technical support and operation of the central solution. Commercial and franchise agencies will be in charge of generating revenues and rapid growth for their own organization while leveraging the franchisors brand name as their solution provider (e.g. “XY” driven by “ZZ”). Therefore, the franchisee shall pay the franchisor an initial fee, as well as on-going monthly payments in the range of 10-15% from their net sales. Companies wishing to directly invest in the franchisors company would benefit from the franchisors market value and in profit sharing. In addition, they will participate in strategy development and oversight.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
External code: 