The Hungarian firm, which is active in a field of web development and Magento projects for 10 years, is offering its services for companies mainly in the EU, USA and Canada in a frame of subcontracting agreement.
The Hungarian ICT company is active in the following fields:
- web design, web development, search engine optimalization (SEO) services
- webshop development (handling thousands of products)
- web project and e-mail system maintenance, monitoring and updating services
The company thinks that the success of the business can be coded into the web project. It can be a simple introduction page or a website that manages a webshop with thousands of products offered.
With the help of 10 years of programming experience the client satisfaction is maximal, according to their feedback.
The firm helps their clients to market their products and services through state-of-the-art websites and webshops that meet the customer needs.
The Hungarian SME is offering its services for companies who would like to improve its webshop, or website with the help of a web developer. The company is open for signing subcontracting agreement with international companies, but also flexible in terms of other form of co-operation. The main aim is to provide high quality services.
The preferred countries for co-operation are: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, USA and Canada. Any other countries would be considered.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The Hungarian company is looking for business partners and companies who would like to improve their web presence with webshops, web page, SEO etc. With the help of the Hungarian company's web development services the foreign SME can improve its international trade. The Hungarian party is able to implement this ICT service for all types of industrial fields in a frame of subcontracting agreement. The preferred countries for co-operation are: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, USA and Canada.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
External code: