Innovative and biologically fully effective invention to use the beneficial effects of allicin and prevent the breath gas from the senses of garlic

German researchers of a university developed a new method to use the efficiency of allicin modified with beta-lactoglobulin with the result to preserve the function as preservation of health and prophylaxis of diseases while avoiding the senses of garlic in the breath gas. To open up the market for this new process the University is offering its scientific results to producers of food additives, drug developers or other companies with human health activities worldwide for a license agreement.
Scientific Researchers of a German university who are active in the field of food additives have shown that food-ingredients could function as preservation of health and prophylaxis of diseases. Allicin is one of these bioactive substances as it is responsible for special medical effects of garlic. Nevertheless allicin has a low chemical stability and reduces itself during processing and storage. Furthermore it is responsible for the intensive smell and the spice of garlic. To put allicin as a bioactive substance in functional food, a transporter for the chemical stabilization and the masking of the sensorial features is essential. The researchers of the university have developed an appropriate process: The allicin can be bound through the free thiolgroupe of beta-lactoglobulin under alkaloid circumstances. The stabilization and sensorial masking is enabled while the high bioavailability would not be influenced. It was shown that beta-lactoglobulin is an appropriate Nano transporter for sulfur compounds of garlic. The research group is looking for companies or institutes worldwide active in the field of food additives and drug development or other human health activities to establish a license agreement and to bring the new method to the market.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The university is looking for producers of food additives, drug developers, companies with human health activities or other innovative companies or institutes active in the field of food additives and drug development to open up the market for this new process. They offer their scientific results worldwide for a license agreement.
Stage of Development: 
Available for demonstration
Comments Regarding Stage of Development: 
The invention has laboratory scale and can be brought up with low effort to an industrial-suited process.
IPR Status: 
Patents granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status: 
A German patent is granted. The university applied additionally for PCT-registration.
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