Spanish company specialized in IT services and outsourcing has developed a powerful customizable tool which facilitate the work of HR (human resources) teams through the digitalization of management processes and employee activity on an innovative platform. The technology provides secure protocols for processing information and data which includes all the processes of HR management. The company is looking for license agreements.
The daily work of HR (human resources) teams involves a group of different activities which are carried out following several methods. Generally, they are done by filling in standard documents in text document and spreadsheet format sent via e-mail or paper. This exchange of information and documents between different departments involve delays on the approval of the documents, increasing costs and loss of data.
The existing technology solutions are not able to integrate all the activities needed for a complete HR management in one single tool, due to the heterogeneously of the procedures and the amount of data and documents that is necessary managed.
As solution to this need, this Spanish company with more than 20 years of experience, working on IT services, cybersecurity, data analytics, industry 4.0 and outsourcing, has developed an innovative platform that simplifies, centralizes and concentrates all the human resources management processes on a single tool.
The process is very simply, nothing more than register the employees and the company and giving them the suitable credentials, the HR team can manage through the platform vacation request, absences and leaves, sign documents digitally, manage and control the cost and supervise projects assignments.
The tool provides updated information, so the team and the employees can see their personal data on a simply view to planning and request the leavings and vacations, providing an easy way to operate to the HR team. The platform includes the necessary forms to make any type of request to their direct managers or to those others who have responsibility for the object in question.
Similarly, the direct supervisor and the Human Resources team will be able to know in real time the status of the different requests. The platform allowed them to accept or deny any type of absence or applications and have in one system all the information related to their activities optimizing the HR processes.
As a platform for personnel management and internal communication, the tool also considers aspects related to employer branding (management and loyalty of human capital). In this way, those responsible for personnel management, marketing departments or any employee who is given the responsibility, will be able to carry out surveys towards the rest of the team, as well as publish notifications, news and posts from the company's blog, showing their content on the platform's main panel. Additionally, to improve the corporate feeling, the platform is customizable and can include elements such as the color or logo of the brand.
As a platform which manages personal data and documents of the company, it has been developed with secure protocols, and all the company activity is stored in secure servers.
The company has established agreements in several EU countries and currently is looking for new international opportunities. The target of the company is to reach license agreements with ICT integrators willing to commercialise this technology on a specific market.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The Spanish company is looking for international ICT integrators, willing to cooperate under license agreement. The role of the partner sought is to commercialise this technology within a defined area, in order to reach potential clients from any sector in need of an optimized HR management system.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how
External code: