An Italian company is looking for agents and distributors for its carriage to help nomadism in beekeeping

A new Italian company builds equipped carriages for beekeeping nomadism. This innovative carriage supports the beekeepers' work and enables any person to do nomadism independently, without all the efforts that it actually takes, thus increasing the quantity and quality of the produced honey. The company is looking for agents and distributors in order to expand its commercial network.
A new Italian company established by three entrepreneurs, already on the Italian market with other realities: one of them has a mechanical engineering and design company for machinery, while the other two operate in the sector of construction and sale of mechanical and electronic equipment, for the main manufacturers of industrial machines in the Piedmont region. The current new company offers a revolutionary product for beekeeping, in particular, it transforms the way of doing nomadism. Some reference data of beekeeping in Europe: In all of Europe, there are about 18 million beehives, managed by about 820,000 beekeepers surveyed, the annual honey production in Europe is estimated at 400 tons. The numbers make it clear that the world of beekeeping is very vast and interesting and the company aims to solve all the problems related to the nomadism of hives for professional beekeepers by ensuring a more conspicuous and higher quality production of honey. Thanks to the multiple advantages of this innovative system, hobby beekeepers' work will be facilitated and destined to grow. - How actually works nomadism Bees can only be moved at night. The beekeeper every 4 days (approximately), at night charges twenty or more hives on a carriage or a van, manually helped by other 2/3 people with a crane. This operation lasts at average 1 and half hour, after that it's necessary to tie all the hives and fix them scrupulously for the travel with systems that need to be fixed and regulated every time. While travelling, it's necessary to place bricks on the ground, level the wooden board, discharge the hives, manually or with the help of dangerous tools in a forest at night, and the kilos moved during the operation are 5000! The hives are so left unattended in a field, and the value of 20 of them is 10.000€, the theft is very frequent. Once the station is placed, the beekeeper needs to return frequently to control if the bees are producing honey or not, if they are able to exit well from the hives or if the new station is far from a water source. - How works the nomadism with Italian company's innovative carriage With the carriage, the hives (every kind of hive), are fixed to the frame with anti-theft bolts. The beekeeper only needs to close the carriage, attach it to the off-road vehicle/car/van, travel the route and reopen the carriage once arrived in the new station. During this simple operation, no hives are moved and only one person can do the operation, without efforts, unexpected events and in a totally independent way. By an application or a website, it is possible to control all the parameters that the beekeeper needs, without returning to the station frequently. Moreover, the production data will be digitized and used for traceability or production improvement purposes: - The weight of the hives, to know if the bees are producing; - Speed of the wind; - Humidity and temperature; - Video cameras for surveillance; - Immediate SMS/GPS position if the carriage is moved; - Under the carriage is installed a water tank and the level is visible from the app. The company is looking for figures in the world of beekeeping such as sales people/agents with contacts with sector organizations and distributors in order to expand its commercial network in all European countries.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Commercial agents with a close connection to commercial and smaller beekeepers and their associations are sought to ensure wide visibility and availability of innovative product within the apiculture community in a particular country. Distributors that can buy the product and distribute it in their country.
IPR Status: 
Patents granted
External code: 