An Italian company, specialized in manufacturing of handmade ice-cream, has developed a new way to produce the ice-cream through the zero ICE process (secret know-how) that allows to have the final product never frozen, always silky and more digestible.
The company is looking for financial partners to expand its production in other countries (above all Germany and Northern Europe)
The company, founded in 2012 in Italy, is specialized in the production of an innovative handmade ice-cream, based on a zero ice process.
This exclusive whipping technique, based on a secret know-how, ensures a less cold ice cream, because it is not freezed and it does not contain ice slices inside, allowing a more intense flavour and greater digestibility.
Furthermore the innovative process allows to have a final product (1) lighter, using more milk rather than cream and taking in less air, and (2) vary varied, the specialized artisans are able to realize more than 100 flavours, having also a special attention to Vegan and Lactose intolerants needs.
Another particular characteristic is the self-service system that allows to customer to have an experiential moment through the autonomous “creation” of the ice cream and the payment by weight of the final product.
The company, well established and highly known in Italy with over 70.000 fans on Facebook / 20.000 on Instagram, is looking for financial partners to reach new markets. In particular, based on internal research and market studies, the company is interested in the German market and other countries based in Northen Europe (Netherlands, Sweden, Norway...)
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking for financial partners interested in supporting its expansion project. The partner should be able to guarantee capitals up to €3 millions to substain the various stages of the stores openings.
An EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) of around 32% and a ROI(Return on Investment) of 65% per year is estimated. At full capacity, after 5 years, an annual turnover of approximately €4.2 million is estimated for 7 shops.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
Shops present in Italy since 2012
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
The ice-cream production machines have been structurally modified, together with the production process and recipes.
The company has signed confidentiality agreements with suppliers.
External code: