A Japanese company is looking for EU partner interested to a newly developed infrared colour night vision camera.
The camera provides high resolution colour image in complete darkness. The technology can be applied in security cameras, automotive cameras, medical and nursing care cameras and social infrastructure monitoring cameras.
A manufacturing, licensing or financial agreement, depending on the partner aims, is expected.
A Japanese company is offering an infrared colour night vision camera technology that provides high resolution image in complete darkness.
Current camera technology has difficulty to capture a clear image in the dark. Longer shutter speeds are necessary and issues persist with capturing moving images. The technology from this Japanese company provides a colour image in complete darkness by only using infrared (IR) illumination. This technology applies the correlation between visible and infrared reflectivity to the colorization of the infrared imaging camera.
The technology was developed by a public research institute in Japan, of which this company has acquired the international patent. The applications of this technology could include security cameras, automotive cameras, medical and nursing care cameras and social infrastructure monitoring cameras.The technology could also be integrated in consumer products such as smart phones, home security, robots and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
They are searching for partners to install the technology in commercial products and enhance the practical use of the technology through a manufacturing agreement or financial agreement to invest in further applications. They also welcome technical partners in the fields of imaging sensors, LED illuminators, imaging analysis and camera integration through a licensing agreement.
They have already installed a colour night vision camera on a highway in February 2017 and made a business alliance with a large Taiwanese IT company in April 2017.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is searching for industry partners that can implement the technology in products and/or enhance the practical use of the technology.
The target partners would be operating in sectors such as: infrastructure (highway, tunnel, railway, river, smart city, etc.), surveillance, automotive or medical applications.
Technical partners could develop and enhance the key device (imaging sensor, infrared LED, imaging analysis) through a licensing agreement.
It is possible to provide exclusivity in each application area.
They are also open to investors to further develop the technology and its applications.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted,Patents granted,Exclusive Rights
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
The company colour night vision without visible light technology is patented in Japan and China/Hong Kong/Korea/US.
For the EU the patent request is in progress.
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