A Korean SME provides healthcare services using IoT devices and smartphones. They are looking for distributors and commercial agents in the EU for their sleep management solution, a product which delivers an unconstrained and non-intrusive automatic sleep management service.
A Korean SME established in 2015 has developed a sleep management service recently. Right after the development, a clinical test was carried out in sleep disorder clinics in 2015.
The company is now setting up mass production system and planning on getting crowd funding. At the same time, they target to enter domestic as well as overseas sleep management markets through B2C(business to consumer) marketing.
As unconstrained and nonintrusive automatic sleep management service, the product can check human’s sleep status and cycle with a sensor installed between mattress and cover sheet on a bed. There is no need to experience inconvenience of wearing a sensor on an arm like other existing products.
In addition, sleep analysis technology is used at a medical level. Based on exact sleep measuring, insight on improvement of sleep will be provided to users. It is not considered as a simple and non-exact sleep measurement for wellness.
Another feature of the product is that comprehensive analysis of long-term sleep habits and clinical data by utilizing big data technology could be possible. By analyzing correlation between sleep disorders and chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes, meaningful results can be derived.
The company is looking for a business partner in Europe to secure sales and distribution channel in Europe. Therefore, commercial or distribution services agreement would be considered. The partner company could be a crowd-funding partner or a business partner that could help sell the company’s product. Other types of cooperation would be welcomed to negotiate upon request.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
- Type of partner sought: Company
- Specific area of activity of the partner: Company interested in dealing with sleep management service or crowd funding
- Task to be performed: Crowd-funding partnership, secure local sales & distribution channel under commercial agency agreement and distribution services agreement. Other types of cooperation are also negotiable.
Stage of Development:
Available for demonstration
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how,Patents granted,Trade Marks
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
Electro Magnetic Compatibility(EMC) acquired.
Korean patents granted.
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