Looking for partners in Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and Singapore to develop new applications of algal pigments in food and cosmetics

A Dutch SME has developed a sustainable indoor production method to culture and refine micro algae on a large scale. The SME is looking for companies in Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and Singapore, active in food & beverage and cosmetics to find applications for the produced algal pigments. A commercial agreement with technical assistance, research/technical cooperation or joint venture agreement is forseen.
The Dutch company produces micro algae and extracts high value components like the pigments astaxanthin, fycocyanin and fucoxanthin. These natural pigments can replace synthetic colorants and have many proven health effects. Challenge is to stabilize the colour in certain temperature and pH ranges. Options for applications: e.g. as an additive in meat and fish replacers, meat products, dairy products and ice creams, sports drinks, ingredient in skin care products. The company is looking for partners in Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and Singapore to develop new applications for the algae pigments (Astaxanthin; samples are available, Fycocyanin and Fucoxanthin are in preparation) in food, cosmetics, pharma and as additive for fish-feed. Focus is on food & beverage and cosmetics companies. The company is looking for partners with expertise (e.g. research/technical cooperation) on applying the micro algae components in food products e.g. meat replacements or beverages e.g. sports drinks. Also expertise is sought within cosmetic companies to apply the algae pigments into skin care products. Furthermore, the company is open for a commercial agreement with technical assistance or joint venture agreement to realise new applications with the mentioned algae pigments with food and beverage companies.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The Dutch SME is looking for companies in Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and Singapore particularly active in food & beverage and cosmetic development. The role of the partner is to develop new and innovative applications for algal pigments in e.g. meat replacement products, sport drinks and for skincare cosmetics. A Technical or research cooperation agreement is forseen. For food products developed with the algal pigments, a joint venture agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance is forseen.
Stage of Development: 
Available for demonstration
IPR Status: 
External code: 