Manufacturer of solar-powered, IoT-interconnected smart waste bins seeks investors and trade intermediaries

A German startup company produces solar-powered, IoT-interconnected smart waste bins that can significantly reduce waste collection costs and lower waste collection derived carbon emissions in cities through route optimization. As the bin have built-in displays, they serve as both a highly optimized waste receptacle and a valuable information/advertising tool. The company is looking for investors under financial agreements and trade intermediaries under distribution services agreements.
A German startup producing solar-powered, IoT-interconnected smart waste bins is looking for investors and trade intermediaries. The waste bin technology utilizes ultrasonic fill-level smart sensors that monitor waste accumulation and deliver real-time updates through an integrated software solution. The company can thus provide its municipal and commercial clients with analytics that can be used for data-driven decision making in waste management. The interactive smart waste management solution can help optimize waste collection routes, pick-up frequencies, and vehicle load handling. The sensors utilize either A) NBT-IoT or B) LoRa WAN / Sigfox networks, whereas a Lora WAN module can always be added to option A. The use cases for the smart bins are vast, since they can be deployed wherever traditional waste bins are deployed. Among the possible end-users of the system are cities and municipalities, university campuses, sports stadiums, industrial parks, supermarkets, hospitals and gas stations – practically any organization that produces waste and intends to improve its waste management system. The company is forecasting an estimated valuation of over €350 million by the end of 2023. It currently is in the process of a capital raise in order to make meaningful gains on its delivery commitments. Thus, the company is seeking investors under a financial agreement in order to scale up its production capacity. Besides, the company is always on the lookout for strategic cooperations globally with trade intermediaries under distribution services agreements.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The SME is looking for investors under a financial agreement that will help it meet the rising demand for its product. Possible investors could be anything from private individuals to large corporations. The company also is always on the lookout for strategic cooperations globally with trade intermediaries under distribution services agreements. Trade intermediaries are sought globally and could be anything from small SMEs to larger companies. Possible end-users of the system could be any organization or entity seeking to advance its waste management system, that is, both cities and private companies.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
External code: 