A Romanian distributor of natural cosmetics, natural supplements and healthy food is looking for natural, ECO, BIO raw materials, foods and cosmetics to be sold in its own specialized store in Romania, based on a distribution agreement.
A natural cosmetics and foods distributor in the South East region of Romania is looking for suppliers of natural/ ECO/BIO raw materials and cosmetics and foods to be sold in its own store, based on distribution agreement.
The business request targets the following categories of products:
- different types and natural dietary products (plant extracts, teas and capsules consisting in one or a combination of vitamins, minerals,herbs or other botanical products, amino acids)
- natural nutritional supplements, vitamins (syrups, extracts, pills, tablets, capsules, liquids in measured doses),and organic herbal tea;
- 100% natural cosmetic oils and related products that can be used in cosmetic products including personal care and
makeup products, such as: cosmetic masks, hair and facial treatments, (all free of any synthetic chemical
All the above mentioned products should be in compliance with the EC drectives and regulations for the consumers' protection against health risks.
The Romanian company is willing to act as a distributor for EU producers of the above mentioned categories of products.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The envisaged partner must be a certified producer of natural/ecological/organic products such as nutritional and dietary supplements and cosmetic products willing to distribute on the
Romanian market.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought:
The Romanian company is looking for certified producers of natural/ecological products, excluding any involvement
of the synthetic cosmetics and supplements industry.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
External code: