An innovation community and co-working space in Germany developed a software platform for matching members skills for joint projects. They are looking for community driven co-working spaces and innovation communities around Europe willing to test the software solution, give feedback and might later use the software for connecting co-working members across borders. They are open for feedback and interested to cooperate under a license agreement.
A big innovation community in Germany provides freelancers, start-ups and companies with co-working facilities, maker spaces workshop rooms and innovation programmes, developed a software as a service platform for matching members' skills for joint projects.
The software as a service empowers communities to
- connect the community members
- simplify events & booking
- offers a job offer and request platform
- make collaboration easy and visible.
They are looking for community driven co-working spaces around Europe willing to test the software solution, give feedback regarding the specific requirements for the software and might later use the software for connecting co-working members across borders.
They are eager to work under a license agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The startup center is looking for community driven co-working, maker spaces and other innovation communities around Europe. That means co-working spaces should have about 100 members
The partner should introduce the software for their members with the aim to connect them with each other and to generate more collaborative projects. Feedback should be given to the German co-working space software developers to improve the functionality. At a later stage there is the option to interconnect the member of different co-working areas across Europe via this platform.
The software can be licensed on a per user basis.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
The Software development is finalized. The test partners can use the software for free, but are willing to give regular feedback for improvement to the developers.
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how
External code: