A UK company has developed and combined machine learning and realistic avatars. This allows to engage customers, students or patients so that they get information that is accurate and wanted or needed by them. Better service is being offered at lower cost. Industry and government organisations in healthcare, and brand or e-commerce owners are sought for commercial agreements with technical assistance.
In many sectors, the almost blanket adoption of smart devices automates and enables spreading of information and services. This is true for e-commerce, online learning, telehealth and so on. What is less developed is the interaction and feedback side from the customer or patient. Information delivered is usually in text format which is not engaging and it is scattered in rigid blocks in separate places. It is difficult for the person to respond to the information given. In e-commerce, this results in sub-optimal conversions but in areas such as healthcare and patient education slow and inaccurate understanding will lead to deteriorating health outcomes.
A UK company has now launched technology that combines patented market leading machine learning with pioneering relatable avatars that can be adapted to age, gender, language and ethnicity for maximum user engagement (see the Pictures). The digital assistant delivers answers rapidly, highly visually and with 95%+ accuracy. This solution is completely unique in its approach and ground-breaking in navigating stringent healthcare regulatory requirements such as pharmacovigilance.
The technology is gaining rapid interest and adoption in a post COVID world, with opportunities in education (teaching assistant tools), driving e-commerce, reducing customer care costs, and presenting an exciting use case for the media and advertising industry.
The company seeks technology adopters as well as integrators in multiple sectors, for commercial agreements with technical assistance.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Type of partner sought: government and industry
specific area of partner sought: two types of partners are of particular interest. These are on the one hand, national healthcare systems (both governments and industry) and on the other, brand owners of consumer goods (including healthcare products). Also, integrators are sought who can build the offered technology into their solutions.
Role of partner sought: to acquire the technology under a commercial agreement with technical assistance. The technical assistance includes training, setting up the software, and online aftercare.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how,Granted patent or patent application essential,Trade Marks
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
Patent protected in UK & Europe.
External code: