A Spanish research group has developed an economic, fast and high-performance method for manufacturing fiber reinforced composite dental posts. The resulting product is suitable for its use in dentistry and solves the two main problems in the existing manufacturing processes: fiber agglomeration and heterogeneity, while maintaining its advantages. The university is looking for companies interested in licensing this patented technology.
Continuous fiber composite materials have demonstrated to be cutting edge structural materials with a wide range of applications, such as in the field of dentistry for the use of dental fiber posts. These posts, made of a material similar to dentin, prevent most vertical fractures of the tooth root, while being aesthetically superior to metal posts. But even though many manufacturing methods exists for the fabrication of FRC posts, they carry some common problems in the manufacturing process.
Given these limitations, a research group from a Spanish university has developed a new manufacturing process for fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) dental posts. The resulting dental posts are suitable for its use in dentistry and this method solves the two main problems that current FRC dental posts present: fiber agglomeration in some places within the fiber posts and a heterogeneous distribution of its components along the post.
The new developed FRC posts consist of a core of one or more thermoplastic yarns, which forms a matrix, surrounded by a plurality of reinforcement fiber yarns. During the manufacturing process, these yarns are first braided and then melted, so the molten thermoplastic can be distributed homogeneously along the post.
In this way, the two main problems current FRC dental posts present are solved, while its functional properties are maintained.
The university is looking for partners from companies related to the manufacturing and use of fiber-reinforced composite dental posts, interested in licensing this technology.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The university is looking for partners from companies that are working in the field of dentistry and have experience with fiber-reinforced composite materials and who are interested in licensing this technology in order to bring it to the market.
Stage of Development:
Under development/lab tested
IPR Status:
Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
Spanish patent applied, international priority in force
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