An Italian company offering a unique platform at European level, integrating all information tools and databases of the plastic waste management sector operators, with the aim to facilitate the creation of business partnerships among them, is interested in finding complementary partners in the area of circular economy, from public organisations to assocations or companies and research centres, for commercial agreements with technical assistance, or technical cooperation agreements.
Secondary Raw Materials (SRM), Waste management, together with recovery and recycling, represent an emerging field of business, where the need for authorizations and verifications has to be satisfied by each organisation working in the sector.
Currently, the information is fragmented and the databases are managed by several Regional and National organizations.
An Italian company has developed a system and platform that allow the check, management, and matching of all subjects involved in the use of Secondary Raw Materials (SRM): the system is currently fully operating for plastic materials. This brings an optimization of time and time saving, offering a real matching of European stakeholders involved in the production, sale, purchase and verification of the whole cycle from waste to Secondary Raw Material use.
The company is interested in the integration of such technology for offering ad hoc solutions in the area of recycling and circular economy, to public and private organisations working in the field: both public and private organisations can go for commercial agreements with technical assistance (in case only minor changes are needed to customize the solution), or technical cooperation agreements in case further improvements need to be foreseen to adapt to the market, or regulation, or other required.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is interested in finding organisations and subjects working in the circular economy field, public entities offering services, or companies or associations, interested in integrating the platform through commercial agreements with technical assistance or technical cooperation agreements.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
Already active in plastic field. Improvements both in this sector or in others related to circular economy could be considered depending on specific needs.
IPR Status:
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