Phytosanitary models for applications in agriculture

An Italian company has developed phytosanitary and agronomic models of mathematical simulation systems that allow to analyze the data collected by meteorological stations or wireless sensor networks on the field, to obtain climate or phytosanitary risk indices. The company is interested in technical cooperation agreements or research cooperation agreements with SMEs or other organisations interested in further developments and applications.
Monitoring crops and agriculture is of increasing importance nowadays for optimization of cultures and especially with the aim not to waste resources, in line with Sustainable Development Goals, EU Green Deal and responsible development. An Italian company has developed a decision support system that, based on the agronomic-cultural characteristics of the plot, selectable through the initial setting interface of the model, will carry out daily, the specific water balance for the type of soil, the location, and the desired crop. The phytopathological model has been validated over multi-year periods by comparing the stages of development of the pathologies/problems observed in the field and those simulated by the models. Subsequently, the algorithms were optimized through a progressive calibration of some significant parameters and weights. Finally, these calibrations have been successfully tested in a number of statistically relevant agronomic realities. The system can be used effectively in agriculture, soil, environment, meteorological applications. The Italian company is interested in technical cooperation agreements with SMEs or organisations for customizations, or in research cooperation agreements in case such a system can be further implemented in specific applications under EU programmes (i.e. EU Green Deal related, other Programmes of interest).
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
Italian company is interested in getting in touch with companies or research centres interested in further developing the decision support systems and simulations models through research cooperation agreements in joint participation to EU project proposals, or techical collaboration agreements in case of private joint funding or other customization interests.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
External code: 