Romanian company specialized in trade and storage of fertilizers and pesticides for agriculture is willing to find new suppliers/producers, in order to cover the current requests on the specialized Romanian market. The company is looking for companies from the EU, willing to have their products distributed on the Romanian market through a distribution agreement.
Romanian company from South East of Romania, having over 12 years of experience in the import and commercialization of fertilizers and pesticides for agriculture, is willing to extend its cooperation portfolio by finding new suppliers for these specific products.
Romania is mainly an agricultural based economy, being once known as the "Europe's granary". Currently the Romanian company's offer cannot cover the entire request of the local agricultural producers, so it is looking for more suppliers from the EU countries, in order to distribute their products to the local specialized agricultural companies.
The Romanian pesticides and fertilizers distributor benefits from its own storage facilities (3000 tons storage capacity), its own packaging line for the bulk products (500 and 1000 kg/sacks) and its own trucks.
Some of the main products the Romanian company is willing to import are:
- Urea, Di-Ammonium Phosphate - DAP (urea, azote and ammonium sulphate based fertilizers), complex fertilizers;
- N-P-K Nitrogen-Phosphorous-Potassium (azote, potassium and phosphorus based fertilizers).
The distribution network of the Romanian company currently covers all the big agricultural producers from the S-E of
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The envisaged partner should be a producer active in the fertilizers and pesticides industry, willing to export its products to the Romanian agricultural market.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought:
The Romanian company is willing to cooperate with important fertilizers producers on the EU market in order to cover by distribution, the big request on the Romanian agricultural market.
Ecological fertilizers and other additives for agricultural purposes are also subject for interest for the Romanian company.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
External code: