A Russian company from the Nizhny Novgorod region produces soft intraocular lenses and artificial eye irises and is looking for partners to conclude a distribution services agreement.
Having been established in 2015, the Russian company from Nizhny Novgorod was initially engaged in the study of the human eye and R&D of eye optics. The company now specializes in manufacturing eye lenses and artificial eye irises.
The company offers several types of products:
1) the hydrophobic soft intraocular lenses that do not cause secondary cataracts (studies have been conducted by Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution);
2) torsion lens - a lens with volume replacing the design by the expense of crystalline lens stretching in the front-back direction, the field of the eye equator provides three-dimensional stabilization of the eye camera;
3) artificial eye irises - the only soft artificial iris made of hydrophobic acryl, the monolithic structure of the hydrophobic material resists biodegradation and destruction. Cosmetic effect in the postoperative period is achieved through individual colour selection.
The iris (an artificial eye) block is made of a monolithic discoid shape of an elastic material based on methacrylic oligomers. The lens contains optical and haptic parts. The haptic part is made in the form of a coloured ring with an inner diameter of 3.5 mm and an outer diameter of 10.0 mm, with arcuate elements located on the periphery with apexes within a circle with a diameter of 13.0 mm. The iris block is actually the only product that has all the necessary characteristics for a full-fledged operation: maximum cosmetic effect, no trauma to the eye, the ability to integrate an intraocular lens. The product is made on the basis of innovative frontal polymerization technology.
The company has the necessary production facilities to meet the demand of any type of customers (hospitals, ophthalmology clinics etc). Therefore, the company is looking for international partners, especially large distributors operating in the above-stated sectors, to sign distribution services agreement and establish long-term cooperation. Within the framework of the distribution services agreement, the company will regularly supply its products to the foreign partner in terms and for the fee stipulated for further distribution. Experience in the distribution of ophthalmology products would be valuable.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Type: SMEs, MNEs, R&D institutions.
Role: under the distribution services agreement the partner must purchase products for its further distribution. Under the distribution agreement, the Russian company will supply the necessary equipment to the partner for the subsequent sale. The company is ready to provide its partner with the necessary products. The partner, in turn, must provide the geography of product distribution, relevant documentation and information.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
The products are very popular on the domestic market and there are no obstacles for them to be distributed abroad as international patents have been granted.
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
4 Russian patents and 3 foreign patent applications were registered (2 European patent applications and 1 application in the USA).
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