A German medical cluster as public-private partnership is breaking new ground in the diagnostics of infections. Partners from science, medicine and industry are jointly developing novel solutions for fast and cost-effective on-site diagnostics of infections. Focused on detecting infectious agents and their antimicrobial resistance (AMR) using photonic, microfluidic and molecular methods. Seeking partners from research and medical industry for technical and research cooperation agreements.
Infectious diseases are a major burden to public health and the global economy, not in the least due to antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Rapid Point-of-Care-Tests (POCT) for in vitro diagnostics (IVD) are key tools in the effective management of patients with infections with an as yet large unmet clinical need in human and veterinary medicine. The German cluster with its unique cooperation between public and private partners on an equal footing is breaking down barriers in the establishment of new diagnostics. Promising solutions from basic research are thus brought more quickly into the diagnostic routine in the form of market-ready products and thus to users and patients.
A triad of technology, application and production, more than 30 partners from science, medicine and industry are developing in this innovation hub marketable solutions for rapid and cost-effective decentral analysis of infections – in human medicine, animal diseases and pathogen detection in food or water.
Innovative photonic and molecular biological methods are developed and combined to reliably detect infectious diseases (especially viruses, bacteria and fungi) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and to better understand the host response (e.g. in sepsis).
On the research campus, the partners cooperate along the value chain. Therefore, potential partners in the field of infection research are invited to collaborate. Applied research projects are addressed as well as technology and product development for diagnostic solutions. Thus partners from research, biotech, medical labs and life science industry are welcome.
Under technology cooperation agreements partners are sought for
- Diagnostic technology development and validation
- Diagnostics product development collaborations
Under research cooperation agreements partners are sought for:
- Joint R&D projects under EU and other funding schemes such as the coming Horizon Europe in the field of infection research and diagnostics
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
Partners are sought from research, biotech/medical labs and life science industry for cooperation agreements as follows:
Technical cooperation agreements:
- Medical diagnostic technology development and validation
- Medical diagnostics product development collaborations
Research cooperation agreements:
Joint R&D projects under EU and other funding schemes such as the coming Horizon Europe in the field of infection research and medical diagnostics
Stage of Development:
Available for demonstration
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
Several types are possible depending on the technology.
IPR Status:
Secret Know-how,Patents granted
Comments Regarding IPR Status:
Different types are possible depending on the technology.
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