A German city council is seeking an industrial partner who can provide smart sensor systems for the city’s waste bins. The waste bin filling level should be measured based on a long range wide area network (LoRaWAN). Partners are sought to equip the waste bins within a commercial agreement with technical assistance.
The overall objective of a smart city is to improve the quality of life for the citizens and to boost economic growth. The council of a German city with about 50.000 inhabitants has decided to start a smart city process.
The milestones in their smart city strategy include the reduction of the pollution of nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide. Within the strategy the public energy provider is furthermore developing a long range wide area network (LoRaWAN) gateway system to enhance the local digital infrastructure.
To optimize the waste collection routes the city administration is searching for a digital LoRaWAN based sensor system for post-mounted waste bins in public areas. Most of the common sensor systems for filling level measurement are incompatible with the waste bins used in the city.
Sensor providers are sought for commercial agreements with technical assistance. The partners should accompany the introduction and implementation of the new solution.
All expressions of interest will be collected by the city council. Feedback to the expressions of interest will be provided at the end of summer.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
A company is sought who can provide the smart sensor solution for the bins within commercial agreements with technical assistance. The partner is expected to accompany the implementation of the new system and to support the initial tests with the interface connection.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought:
The city is searching for a smart waste filling level sensor which must
• fit inside waste bins of the type ESE V 3000 B plastic,
• be LoRaWAN based,
• have an interface to connect to smart city dashboards and route calculating systems.
There is no interest in introducing different types of waste bins or systems.
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