An experienced Polish company dealing with fruit processing is looking for distributors and offers collaboration in manufacture of food components for the dairy, ice cream and confectionery industries. The offer comprises candied fruits, thermostable cake fillings, jellies, glazings, concentrated pastes and variegatos for ice cream and other ingredients. Production under private label is possible. Manufacturing and/or distribution services agreements are considered as cooperation types.
This Polish fruit processing company was established in 1985 as a family business and is located in the centre of the country. It is offering components for the dairy, ice cream and confectionery industries. The offer includes a wide range of fruit and cream ingredients such as thermostable cake fillings, fruit and cream fillings, jellies, glazings, candied fruits, ice-cream concentrated pastes, variegatos and toppings, fruit preparations for yoghurts, quark and milk drinks and others.
The company is already active in international cooperation having distributors in many countries of EU (also in Belarus, Russia and Saudi Arabia) but intends to expand on new markets. Therefore trade partners in role of distributors are sought. The Polish company offers full marketing support, with the desire to a long term business commitment to provide them with products. The production partners are also sought. The company offers production under partner’s trade mark. The cooperation based on distribution services agreement and manufacturing agreement is considered.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
In case of distribution services agreement
Type of potential partner: trade company, importer, wholesaler
Type of activity: trade of food products.
Role of the potential partner: To distribute products of the Polish company into its regional/national market.
In case of manufacturing agreement
Type of potential partner: Industrial company from food processing sector (dairy, ice cream, confectionery)
Role of the potential partner: to order private label production or delivery of selected products of the Polish company.
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