A Spanish company located in the Canary Islands, offers unique services based on tailored specific health programs to enrich tourists' lives, encouraging their physical and mental well-being. The company focuses on sustainable tourism and enhances the destination's sustainability in terms of recycled materials, nature and local bio diet. The company is looking for commercial agents abroad to develop its services and to increase its client portfolio in the European markets.
This Spanish company, based in the Canary Islands (in several islands), focuses its touristic strategy on healthy habits to get a balance between body and mind. It offers unique accomodation services to its clients based on a specific tailored well-being daily program (diet, sport and wellness activities) that has been designed by a team of scientists to promote both physical and mental wellbeing. The client can learn how to take better care of himself/herself, or simply relax and savor a meal designed by the best experts. The objective of this unique service is to help the client to recover his/her physical and mental balance in a natural and quiet framework. The company offers more than a touristic travel package; it offers a well-being programme within a tailored accommodation service to tourists, and they can follow it in the hotel premises.
The company that has developed a previous international cooperation with companies of the same sector in the European nordic countries (Sweden and Norway) - exchange of know-how, services and clients -, is now looking for other European commercial agents to expand its business and to increase its client portfolio on the basis of a commercial agreement with companies in the spa & wellness touristic sector. It is also looking for companies to offer its services abroad with the support of specialized businesses in order to complete its services in these markets, so that they can be more specific and tailored to the clients' needs.
For the company, the sustainability is a key element of its products and services. On the one, it uses only natural and bio food for the diet plans, on the other hand the company uses sustainable methods: it gives priority to the use of recycled materials. Its services are all developed in tune with nature.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking for a commercial agency partner of the spa & wellness touristic sector to promote its touristic well-being services abroad. It also would like to set up this collaboration strategy in order to develop specific programmes aimed at offering tailored services to the clients' needs.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Design Rights,Trade Marks
External code: