Spanish manufacturer of beverage technology and self-heating drinks, is looking for a manufacturer of food-grade metal stay-on tab lids, for application on self-heating can. Manufacturer could be located anywhere in the European Union. A manufacturing agreement is sought.
A Spanish company is developing and distributing ready-to-go hot drinks. The investors and owners have extensive business expertise and a long history of experience in the food and beverage industry.
A new manufacturing plant has been set up in Spain using the latest technological means and new equipment to manufacture self-heating cans.
The company is able to develop a variety of self-heating drinks at the moment, and high volume production is expected to take off immediately.
The company is committed to innovation, long-term investments, and strives to lead the field of self-heating cans.
Its range of products at the moment includes cappuccino, café latte, chocolate drink, black coffee with or without sugar, and chai tea latte.
All products are patented, certified, and manufactured according to all international standards and requirements.
Although it is currently working with several suppliers needed to assemble the self-heating can. The company is seeking an European manufacturer of food-grade metal lids for its self-heating cans, following technical specifications described in the next section.
The type of partnership desired is a manufacturing agreement of metal lid for self-heating drink can. Also, further forms of partnership could be explored with the same manufacturer, perhaps for supplying all self-heating can metal elements.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking for any size / type partner, located in any EU country, specializing in the manufacturing of food-grade metal lids with a stay-on tab, suitable for self-heating cans.
Strongly looking to enter into a long-term manufacturing agreement which could possible lead to further cooperation, if the same manufacturer could also supply other parts that make up the can.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought:
Food-grade metal stay-on tab lids, for application on self-heating can, must meets the following specifications:
Material tinplate: Tin Free Steel (TFS) or electrolytic tinplate (ETP).
Size 73mm (300 inches).
Tab: Stay-on tab (SOT) for beverages.
For food contact inside (adequate varnish) and Bisfenol A Free (EU requirements) + Bisfenol S free (recommended).
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