A Spanish company providing sustainability, social and environmental services is looking for commercial agency agreements

A Spanish SME offers a wide range of services related to sustainability, social challenges and environment. The company has developed different tools and procedures to carry out social assessments, sustainable investments, ecodesign, circular economy assessments, climate change projects, resources efficiency, waste valorization, etc. The company is looking for commercial agency agreements.
The Spanish company was born in 2020 from the need of engaging long-term sustainability in the environmental and social domains with economic benefits for the stakeholders involved, from technology developers, to producers and end-users of innovations aimed to increase sustainability and from newcomers to pioneer that are looking for sustainable business models, products and technologies. With this principle in mind, the company focuses on helping their clients to increase profitability while increasing its positive environmental and social impacts through efficient innovation. The company provides the following services: -Climate change and sustainability services. -Sustainable investments and business case development. -Social innovation and engagement, behaviour change capacity and gender equality assessments. -Sustainable suply-chain management. -Increased resources efficiency and waste valorization. -Sustainability communication. -Ecodesign. -Legislation and normative compliance. -Risks management. The company team has extensive background supporting organizations to increase their profitability while they move on towards sustainable operations. It is formed by a group of scientist and experts with vast experience in R&D projects within programs such as Horizon2020, FET-OPEN, Interreg, FP7, etc. Examples of the areas in which they have worked are: -Development of environmental bioremediation technologies. -Efficient use of renewable energy sources for Industrial Processes and provision of energy management services to SMEs. -Climate-neutral and resilient cities. -Valorization of by-products/residues and implementation of circular economy strategies in the biorefining, agricultural, marine, aquaculture, food, feed, urban, cosmetics, automotive, batteries, furniture, textiles, wood and building sectors. The Spanish company is looking for developed its international business through international partners interested in offering sustainability, environmental and social challenges services, willing to cooperate under commercial agency agreements.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company is looking for international partners that already provide any kind of strategic services to their clients and are interested in including value-added sustainability, environmental and social services to their portfolio. It could be for example strategy or financial consultancy companies or even marketing services agencies. The preferred kind of partnership sought is commercial agency agreement.
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