Spanish consultancy working in the field of sustainable transformation and maximization of long-term business profitability in the travel & tourism sector offers consulting and project management services in the form of subcontracting

Spanish consultancy specialized in sustainable transformation and maximization of long-term business profitability of travel & tourism business models such as boutique hotels, start-ups and Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) offers consulting services to support interested partners in their sustainable transformation, strategy and communication activities, as well as general management of projects related to the SDGs 2030. The partnership agreement is sought in terms of subcontracting.
The Spanish consultancy was founded in May 2020 as a niche specialist consulting providing advisory and project management services for tourism businesses driven by innovation, sustainability, and authenticity at its core. They develop, consult and implement a personalized, rigorous, and authentic methodology that puts sustainability and maximization of business profit need at the center of the proposed strategies. At the same time, the company helps clients to stay authentic and true to their promises in a green-washed sustainable industry where only 4% of companies comply with their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability strategies and promises. They provide know-how and advisory services that balance between profitability and sustainability in the long term. Such strategies are a key tool to help and drive the tourism industry towards fulfilling the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) 2030 Agenda. The company is currently working with the following clients: - Boutique Hotels who want to earn profit through the implementation of sustainable practices while at the same time contributing positively to the local community, employees and attracting new purpose-driven markets. - Start-ups operating in the field of tourism who recognize sustainability as part of their core business model - NGOs who are looking to implement sustainable social business strategies to serve them as funding arms instead of 100% dependency on donor funds The main services they provide are: - Consulting packages and on-demand workshops for hoteliers and start-ups aimed at designing, building, and implementing truly sustainable business models that maximize profit in the long term and align interests of all stakeholders- clients, partners, investors, environment, and local communities. - Consulting packages for NGOs or new social enterprises that aim to help clients transition from donor-dependent nongovernmental organizations towards sustainable social business models. - Project management services. - Writing content and project proposals for applying to funding opportunities related to tourism and sustainability - Design of marketing campaigns for sustainability and social impact projects. They support and empower the tourism sector and clients via their research center and bite-sized newsletter with top tips on sustainability. The partnership agreement is sought in terms of subcontracting consulting and project management services on-demand basis and as well as offering advanced sustainable transformation packages. The company wants to expand its network of SMEs, startups, NGOs, and research partners in order to grow in international markets.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
This profile targets the following industries: travel, tourism, and hospitality, mainly interested in the fields of innovation and digital transformation of tourism, women empowerment, sustainable development, and circular economy in the tourism sector, and the implementation of the SDGs 2030. Among them, the company is looking for the following partners: - SMEs & start-ups looking for subcontractors to manage their projects and who seek sustainable business model advisory services. - NGO partners looking for support in developing their funding strategies and transforming toward social enterprise models. - Research institutions looking to form partnerships aiming to create win-win situations, share know-how, expertise and form potential consortium that can design and carry out projects that drive and support sustainable development in the tourism sector. - Consultants with expertise in sustainable tourism development, circular economy, blue economy, social impact business development who are interested to join the project or collaborate with the company on-demand. The foreseen collaboration is also considered under subcontracting agreement.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
External code: 