A design & creative agency is looking for European partners to collaborate, to increase its customer portfolio, and to improve its position in the European markets (commercial / joint venture or manufacturing agreement). The company also offers to European partners to be their outside independent advisor and the developer for creative and design needs. The company can also help their European partners to expand and distribute a specific related product in the Canary Islands.
The company is a design & creative agency that offers its services to those who want to turn around their ideas.
The company is ready to sign a commercial agreement to extend its market area with the help of a business partner, who will promote or sell its services. This advertising agency offers also a joint venture agreement with European partners to complement and/or to improve the existing skills and/or resources within the framework of the advertising / publicity sector.
The company has a clear way of dealing with its customers or clients. It first listens customer’s needs and then it expresses its ideas and work. The company puts itself in its client’s shoes to understand their situation and gives them the best solutions in order to achieve their goals. With a committed and enthusiastic multidisciplinary team, the company will take every effort to ensure that ideas exceed the expected result.
The company was born in 2009 in Madrid and moved to the Canary Islands two years later. Now it is looking for European partners of the design industry (businesses) to collaborate, in order to improve its customer portfolio and its position in the European markets. The company also offers to European partners to be their outside independent advisor and the developer for creative and design needs. The company can also help their European partners to expand and distribute a specific related product in the Canary Islands.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking for other companies of the design sector, which could be interested in complementing, selling and/or improving the services offered by this advertising agency in the European markets. The company also offers to European partners to be their outside independent advisor and the developer for creative and design needs. The company can also help their European partners to expand and distribute a specific related product in the Canary Islands.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
External code: