A spin-off of a Spanish university has developed a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) that allows consumers or specialized tasters to evaluate a product before it goes on the market and generates an automatic sensory characterization report. The system can also control the quality of a product during its production process.The company seeks agreements with other companies to provide this service within the framework of an outsourcing contract.
The company arises as a spin-off of the departments of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Science and Statistics and Operations Research of the University of Santiago de Compostela, in the North of Spain. The research team that constitutes the firm was founded by three doctors specialists in the pharmaceutical and food field and by a mathematical scientist specialized in data analysis.
The Saas, designed by the firm, is a powerful tool capable of analyzing key factors to guarantee the sensory success of the products in the market. The technology behind the Saas automatically processes statistical data in real time at the service of clients.The platform analyzes the data from the responses of consumers and expert evaluators (or panels of trained tasters) to obtain the most relevant sensory key drivers and generates an automatic sensory characterization report. The system can also control the quality of a product during its production process.
The Saas is designed to study all types of products from very different sectors, from the food sector to the textile, through cosmetics, distribution, industry or pharmacy and to generate customizable studies since it automatically performs statistical analyzes and generates reports.
The work and experience of the group in the management and development of this type of techniques have given rise to numerous agreements, conventions and research projects with governments and companies of recognized prestige.
The company is currently seeking outsourcing agreements that allow its developments to be incorporated into the manufacturing processes of its new partners, to whom it offers high-quality services under strict confidentiality.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company seeks long-term outsourcing agreements with production companies in the food and beverage, cosmetic and personal care, industry and components, pharmaceutical, textile, leisure or drugstore sectors.
Its offer is adapted on the needs of each sector, defining the attributes of a product to obtain the most significant key drivers for them.
The company is seeking long-term outsourcing agreements, but would be open to any other proposals.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
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