A Spanish technological consultancy company, with 15 years of experience, offers business solutions through software development specialized professionals. The team proposes flexible engagement models, adapted to customers' needs while also offering consultancy. Their portfolio covers a large number of industries from IT, consultancy, banking, logistics, retail to the public sector. The company is looking for partners to cooperate via services agreement, subcontracting or outsourcing.
This Spanish technological consultancy company offers teams of experts in IT project development with experience in all demanded technologies such as Rich Internet Applications, Java, C#, Swift 2, Android, etc. They offer tailored IT solutions and secure infrastructure during the entire process. All the products can be adapted to any specific requirements and are thoroughly agreed with clients. The methodology and tools used in the development of software projects are as follows:
• Agile Scrum methodology for project management: Jira + Confluence
• Task tracking through Kanban panels, additional daily follow-up through brief meetings and application of other SCRUM stages
• For the automation of the unit tests jUnit for Java projects are used, integrated with Jekins and supported by Maven
• Interface tests with Selenium, integrated in Jenkins
• Quality of the code revision with SonarQube and SonarLint for the detection of errors in the early stages of development
• Continuous improvement of procedures collaboratively: Retrospective, Sprint Report, Sprint Planning, Definition of Ready (DoR), Definition of Done (DoD), among others.
The company is represented by highly-skilled professionals, who are ready to work as a part of another company’s team of developers remotely from Spain, as an extended development team. They have participated and led different types of projects from specialized technical consulting, R + D + I projects to the creation and commercialization of products developed by them.
In order to expand their targeted market, the company is looking for partners to cooperate via services agreement, subcontracting or outsourcing.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company aims at establishing long-term partnerships with EU companies from various sectors, that have a need to externalize IT-related projects, parts of some projects or need support in projects already started.
The company is offering outsourcing, subcontracting and services agreement as a base for collaboration.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
Comments Regarding Stage of Development:
External code: