A Spanish company manufactures electric interconnection components and systems for professional applications in harsh environments, especially for sectors such as aerospace, military, naval, railways, telecommunications and industrial. Services such as assembly and installation are also provided. The company is offering manufacturing agreements.
The Spanish company has more than 30 years experience in aerospace, military, naval, railways, telecommunications and industrial markets manufacturing electric interconnection components and systems that are going to be used in harsh environments
The company offers customized solutions to cover electric interconnections needs in :
-Components: distribution and manufacturing of connectors, fiber optic solutions, control units, custom cables, heat-shrinkable elements, crimping tools and accessories.
-Production: Design and manufacture of wiring and electrical, military and railway electrical subassemblies.
-On site assembly: Aeronautic installation and integration in military vehicles and aircrafts
The company counts on the most automated means of production: connectorized art tools, cutting, peeling and laser marking machines and automatic crimpers and optimizes, certifies and assures the every process through verification and continuity tests and automatic insulation.
Also additional services are offered: Laser marking overbraid, cable identification, electrical test, repair and calibration, training courses, etc.
Currently the company provides services to more than 600 active clients including leading companies from the mentioned sectors including several international partners.
The company is looking for increasing its international business development by reaching manufacturing agreement with companies in need of components and systems for professional applications in harsh environments.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking for companies mainly from the sectors aerospace, military, naval, railways, telecommunications and industrial in need of the kind of services and products provided by the Spanish company.
The company will advise and assist the potential partner in the product design and required features before carrying out the manufacturing and installation process.
The preferred kind of agreement sought is manufacturing agreement.
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