A Spanish manufacturer company, specialized in developing electric heating solutions, launches a solar storage heater that utilises the energy surplus from photovoltaic self-consumption installations. This solution is capable of detecting the surplus from photovoltaic self-consumption installations and distributing the energy intelligently among the various storage heaters installed in the household. The company is looking for worldwide distributors.
Currently, there is a need of developing efficient heating solutions due to the environmental and ecological requirements. This is supplemented with a continue search to adapt the heating technologies to the real user needs.
This Spanish company, specialized in manufacturing heating electric solution, has developed the first storage heater on the market that is capable of utilising a household’s photovoltaic production surplus, converting the solar energy into stored heat and delivering it gradually to the room, providing the household with free heating.
This technology can also adapt the output of the heaters to the energy available, accounting for the priorities established by the user for each appliance as well as the setpoint temperatures ensuring the efficient distribution of the surplus. If the surplus production is insufficient to provide the heating desired, the solution can function as a conventional storage heater by completing the charge during off-peak hours. For optimal adaptation to comfort and energy saving needs, this solution can be adapted to the different types of installations and to the various heating systems of the household.
This is an adaptable solution with two functioning systems:
• Use to support a principal heating system: In this mode, the storage heater will only consume free energy, or rather the surplus of the photovoltaic installation that would be delivered to the grid, and convert it into stored heat, to be delivered to the room according to the established comfort needs. This operating mode is ideal for reducing the consumption of the household’s principal heating system: aerothermal, biomass, gas etc. It will only provide heating on the basis of the surplus obtained.
• Use as a single heating system: In this combined operating mode, the storage heater will utilise all the solar energy surplus produced and, if necessary, complete the appliance charge using the most economic off-peak tariffs to provide heating during the established comfort hours. This mode ensures the use of all the solar energy available and completes the storage heater charge to obtain constant comfort, making its use as a single heating system viable.
Furthermore, the company has developed a free app which allows an integral management of heating and the distribution and use of the solar production, as well as the control of the storage heaters.
With more than forty years working on the heating sector this Spanish company has established international agreements in more than 25 countries. Now, the company is looking for new opportunities to expand its international business development by seeking international distributors for this storage heater.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking for international distributors in the heating sector as well as distributors or companies in the solar or photovoltaic sector that want to extend their offer with a new product line complementary to their business in the solar sector. The role of the partner sought is to commercialize these storage heaters within their area of influence.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
IPR Status:
Patents granted
External code: