The Spanish company manufactures and supplies cleaning products that are environmentally friendly and made from plastic collected from the ocean. The company is in the process of internationalization, marketing its products in more than 12 countries around the world. However, the intention is to expand its distribution networks in the European Union.
The company looks for partners interested in quality and sustainable recycled products under a distribution services agreement.
The company is a Valencian family-based business, founded in 1991 and with 30 years of experience in the domestic and the professional cleaning sector.
It is the first company in the world to manufacture cleaning tools from marine plastic. After years of effort and dedication from its research and development department, in 2020 the company launched a circular economic project that saves plastic waste that has a negative impact on the Mediterranean Sea.
The Spanish company offers a wide range of plastic and textile cleaning products, manufactured using plastic from the sea, for example:
Textile products
-Flat mops
-Sponge Cloth
-Bath Cloth
Plastic Products
-Dishwashing brush
-Dustpan with brush
The raw material that allows the company to create a new sustainable product is obtained by collecting plastic from oceans and coasts. Once collected, the waste from the sea is categorised and cleaned for later recycling.
Textile products are created by transforming the plastic collected from the sea into a special yarn which it is later used in the textile products to provide great dragging and absorption capacity.As far as plastic products are concerned, the company has found the right way to process the pellets obtained from transforming sea plastic in order to obtain the right raw material that allows it to create strong, high-quality products.
Whether it be textiles or plastics, the company has created a new product whose raw material has the power to raise awareness of the problem of marine litter on the coastlines and oceans.
In addition to its sea special collection, the company has a large number of professional and domestic cleaning products to cover any need.
The company is looking for distributors mainly in the cleaning sector and large supermarket chains that will take the product to the end customer, under distribution services agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is looking for distributors mainly in the cleaning sector and large supermarket chains that will take its product to the end customer .
It looks for partners interested in quality and sustainable recycled products under the distribution services agreement.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
External code: