A Spanish (Basque) SME specialized in the development of photonics technology for different industrial fields offers innovative technology to make more precise measurements in the aeronautical industry. The company looks in the first instance for a commercial agreement with technical assistance. But it is also willing to cooperate under a license agreement, research cooperation agreement or technical cooperation agreement.
The Spanish company is a spin-off company from the University of the Basque Country whose mission is to apply customised photonic solutions to all kinds of industrial processes. In aeronautics, the main product is a system for monitoring turbines and compressors based on the measurement of Tip Timing (TT) and Tip Clearance (TC).
They have already available optical probes and the optoelectronic equipment for the measurement of Tip Clearance and Tip Timing in turbines, compressors, and fans. These parameters are related to the performance and mechanical behaviour of the motor blades.
The distance between the end of the blades of a turbine and its casing is known as TC. This parameter is related to the efficiency of the turbine/compressor, which increases as the TC decreases. Therefore, an accurate system for measuring this distance allows the air flows through the turbine to be adjusted to a minimum without producing useful work, achieving aeronautical engines with lower fuel consumption, and consequently, more economical and ecological.
On the other hand, the TT is a technique that enables evaluating the amplitude and frequency of the vibrations of the blades from the arrival time of each one of them to the position in which the sensor is located. Once the amplitude and frequency of vibration are known, the dynamic behaviour of the turbine blades can be characterised, and systems for monitoring the amplitude and frequency of vibration are known, the dynamic behaviour of the turbine blades can be characterised, and systems for monitoring the turbine's structural health based on both parameters can be designed. Thus, ensuring the correct operation of the engine, predicting possible failures due to blade fatigue or damage to the blades due to impacts (birds, ice, ...).
The optoelectronic equipment includes up to 6 modules. Each module has 2 outputs for the data acquisition system and can be configured with 1 or 2 lasers. This equipment can be configured to measure TC at three different points or combine a single measurement point for TC with 4 probes for TT.
Thus, the company is looking primarily for a commercial agreement with technical assistance, where the client will have the technology implemented in its factory and the company will give them support every time it is needed. The purpose is to develop this solution and to validate it for the market. Another acceptable cooperation types would be license agreement, research cooperation agreement or technical cooperation agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company requests an industrial company in order to develop the prototype available and to make the technology available for the market. Achieving it would make the partner an early adopter and thus, would obtain strategical advantage in the market.
Stage of Development:
Prototype available for demonstration
IPR Status:
Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted
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