Spanish SME offers product assurance services for mission critical systems under subcontracting or outsourcing agreement

An innovative Spanish company, specialised in services, products and solutions in the field of telecommunications, control and signal intelligence provides consulting and technology services in the field of product assurance. The company is interested in outsourcing and subcontracting agreements with partners in need of assurance for mission critical equipment.
In the realm of facility management, there are assets that are absolutely mission critical to the business especially as they pertain to building operations. The failure of these critical assets is the very risk that must be mitigated if not eliminated. As with all business practices, managing critical equipment requires an auditable process to ensure that operational risk reduction is actively pursued in addition to all other pertinent business objectives. Furthermore, depending on the sector, systems must comply with different regulations: • Aeronautic systems: DO-178B/C, DO-254, DO-160, ARP-4761/4754, CS-25/27/ETSO… • Navy systems: MIL-STD-882 • Landing systems: MIL-STD-882, DEF-STAN-0056… • Railway systems: EN 5012X • Space systems: ECSS-Q-ST • Automotive systems: ISO 26262 In this context, companies require expert service for supporting the design, control, method and technique of the critical system to obtain a satisfactory degree of assurance. The Spanish SME, stablished in 2005, is specialised in developing engineering services, products and solutions based on communications, control and signal intelligence. Currently, the company has more than 15 years of experience in assessing product assurance for mission critical systems in aerospace, defence and telecom industry. In particular, the experts within the company support companies to elaborate the documentation and comply with the system requirements regarding planning, verification, validation, environmental qualification, safety and certification liaison process. This service has been successfully implemented in the aerospace and defence sector providing high-quality services. Therefore, the company is looking for increasing its international business development by seeking international business partners willing to collaborate under outsourcing and/or subcontracting agreements.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought: 
The company is looking for new opportunities to expand its international business development. The company services target any type of companies developing mission critical equipment in the defence, aerospace, automotive or railway sector and open to a trustful and long-term partnership with this Spanish service provider. The company is looking for partners who need their expertise in conceptualisation, planning, certification requirements, verification and validation critical systems. Hence, the company is offering its software development services, know-how, and skills through an outsourcing agreement to perform services and/or to become a subcontractor as a part of a larger project.
Stage of Development: 
Already on the market
IPR Status: 
Secret Know-how
External code: 