A Spanish company specialized in the development of native web applications, web solutions and UX/UI development, especially focused on the B2B channel, want to expand in international markets. They are searching for commercial agency agreements with enterprises based in UK, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and France
The Spanish company was founded in 2013 and is based in the Canary Islands. They develop customized projects, working hand in hand with their customers at every stage, in order to meet their needs and desires.
The company has developed projects for the public administration, although their main target is the B2B channel, where they can offer a maximum customization of their services, also generating solutions to optimize internal processes.
In addition to the above mentioned, the company is specialized in the following branches:
1.Tailor-made software: development of customized websites. Software based on customer needs, getting the most out of the online portal by creating technological solutions.
2.Corporate WordPress: they are experts in the modification and adaptation of templates within the WordPress environment, generating corporate content and reinforcing the brand image.
3.E-commerce: development of all kinds of commercial portals. An online platform that facilitates the daily activity of clients' businesses and makes their products available to potential customers, obtaining maximum profitability.
4.Native Apps: projects focused on mobile where they design and develop native apps for IOS and Android systems. They create an app specialized in each system and improving its usability.
5.UX / UI: attractive and customized designs under the study and user experience. An exclusive interface that reflects the personality and strength of the brand of clients.
6.Transparency and accessibility: they help entities to create a transparency portal, which channels information and encourages participation in the management of public affairs. Moreover, the company won an Award of Excellence of the regional transparency commissioner.
The company operates mainly in the national market (Canary Islands and Spain) and seeks to expand its activity and enter new markets, preferably in UK, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and France, through commercial agency agreement.
Type (e.g. company, R&D institution…), field of industry and Role of Partner Sought:
The company is seeking to explore the possibility of commercial cooperation as a means of implementation in the markets identified as target markets.
They are looking for companies of rather considerable size, although they do not close doors to evaluate possible collaborations with any other company.
Furthermore, they are open to take into consideration other type of agreements, from other countries. They can provide more information about their services or the customization of their projects.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought:
The company is mainly seeking to explore the possibility of commercial cooperation as a means of implementation in the markets identified as target markets.
Stage of Development:
Already on the market
External code: